
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Internet's exasperatingly slow today. Call of Duty 4 ping was fine but now it's messing with my SNSD fanboyism because EVERYTHING on the forum's loading so slowly! I wonder if it's on overload or something.

Just did my final BO duty yesterday, so I'm expecting to be stay-in-free for the rest of my time here unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

Why is everything loading so slowly?

I'm so tired and sleepy because I didn't catch much sleep last night...the wind was really strong and everything was banging here and there in the middle of the night, so truthfully I was quite unnerved despite having two of my bunkmates also staying in that night. Seems my rare courage didn't show up that day.

Let's's 29 September. That leaves...4 months. Right. Soon, soon.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I am proud to say that yesterday, I did nothing but watch SNSD videos from the time I woke up at 11am till I left my place at around 6:45pm, and then again from 10:30pm to a little past midnight.

Girls Go To School was epic! It's no wonder they call it the Soshi Bible. It's like Genesis for SNSD, right there all played out in 9 episodes spread over 7 weeks. And I watched them all in a day.

I gotta keep myself up to date if I'm to be a fanboy, right?

God I wish they'd come to Singapore. They've already been to China and Thailand. Thailand! Come on, you can head down from there (don't bother stopping in Malaysia, girls. It's dangerous.)

I honestly don't really know how this happened, but it just did. When I first laid my eyes on them in their Gee MV, I started making weak comparisons to Wonder Girls (who, in my opinion, are no match for these girls). I didn't really think very highly of them. Then I got introduced to a few variety shows in which they'd been starred in (after they'd become very popular in Korea, of course) and I just fell in love!

You know that feeling, when you have an inexplicable crush on someone? That pounding and bittersweet aching in your heart when you see them, think of them, and hear them!?!? Yes, that's how I feel about them. All of them. Yeah, sure I have favourites, but I can say no more than the fact that I am madly in love with these girls and being a fan is as good an honour as anything else.

I think I'm gonna need a new hard drive just for SNSD.

Right now, it's SNSD! From now on, it's SNSD! Forever, it's SNSD!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Chamber Repertory 5 is over, after months of preparation, though in those few months, we've only had as many rehearsals as the fingers on one of my hands. Yes, I have 5 fingers on a hand. Or 4 fingers and a thumb. Whatever makes you happy.

Now I have this incredible sinking feeling of going back to Band C life again, since this short-lived attachment to Central Band is, as of today, over.

It really is back to the hole.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What a great weekend.

It's back to the hole for me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I used to enjoy my life here. I never regretted my decision and had always considered it a blessing. I was in a place where I knew I had purpose. Most importantly, it was a place I liked to be in.

Now, I can say nothing good about it. I've never truly felt the overwhelming need to ORD before this change occurred. Now I can't wait to finish my duties and leave this place, leaving behind the disappointment, disdain and humiliation.

I see no positive light in this issue. The only time for cheering up is when I pack my things and leave...when my identity once again lies in pink background on 8 February 2010.
Ah, Sunday. COG day.

Feels like an excellent day to be part of the support band.

Ah who am I kidding? Playing support for COG is one of the most pointless, excruciating things, discounting SAF day.

The point of COG, by and large, is fame, pride and enjoyment on a grand scale. This is, unfortunately, enjoyed only by the main band...which is, this time, Central Band. Oh the irony.

It's immensely discouraging to find myself feeling nothing but scorn when I think of work nowadays.

So continues my journey to freedom...plagued by massive indignation and a purposeless existence.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Reporting late today for OCS rehearsal.

I. Hate. OCS. Commissioning. Parade.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Does it hurt to be pissed more than once in two weeks?

I'm coming down with something and quite frankly I'm half-grateful for this predicament.

USD/JPY doesn't seem to be making any more headway though I do agree impatience is blasphemy in forex trading. Then again, it's only a practice account.

OCS and COG this weekend and I'm feeling rather half-hearted about this whole week. Must have been the 'long weekend'.

I wonder...if I do see a doctor tomorrow, will I be given the universally prized (well, for SAF personnel, at least) 7 day MC?

That remains to be with much of my coming life.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Patiently, grudgingly counting down the days till my release from poverty and this sordid, intellectual void.