
Sunday, December 28, 2008

I just got back from lunch at Jack's Place with my mum and grandma...had this T-bone steak which contained more fat than anything else! Damn it, I'm not having that ever again. I don't think I've felt this full for a long time...I even finished the dessert, which is a first for me at Jack's.

After that went to get my jacket and shoes which I'd been wanting for so long. I devoted some time to searching for them in KL but to no avail, and today I'd what I wanted within 10 meters of each other in a place I'd never thought I'd look in. BHG. =.= But I'm pretty happy with what I found so I won't complain!

Was supposed to meet CY to go to the gym today, but my lower body still hurts to hell from last night's parkour session with Sadil and Swee Khoon. Honestly, I haven't felt this kind of pain in my ass, thighs, quads, calves and abs since BMT. Damn mental blocks, I'm not as empty-minded as I was in the past. It was this lack of rational thought that allowed me to do stuff people would consider WTF!*@(%&!@(*&. I read from somewhere...when doing parkour it's best not to think. When we think we hinder ourselves from doing something stupid, which is, actually, in social perception, the basis of parkour or free running. Easy to think this way in a country like this. haha. I'm going out to parkour more often than not from now on! It's good exercise and great fun.

I'm less than 20 chapters away from finishing The Templar Legacy. After that I can finally move on to Twilight!! I wonder when I'm going to meet up with carmen to get the book from her. Reading from Edward's point of view as in Midnight Sun was refreshing too. I never knew how much he'd wanted to kill her in that biology class.'s amazing. My 11 year old cousin made me a bookmark out of rough paper and tied an orange string to it to make it look pretty upon noticing I'd spent a lot of time reading. How thoughtful! Honestly his drawing isn't too good but it's the thought that counts, right! Now I don't need to flip through while finding where I last left off.

With another reference to Twilight...I'm currently addicted to Bella's Lullaby, the piece Edward serenaded Isabella with in the movie. It just sounds great and invokes a lot of emotion, though pretty simple. I haven't found a piece this compelling to play for a long, long time. Found the sheet music for it online but I had to make a few changes myself to better imitate the original from the I re-arranged it in Finale. I hope the original arranger doesn't mind. I included his name as well as mine as the arrangers for the music, anyway. Damn, I still wish I had a proper piano to play on, and not this keyboard.

The New Year's only less than a week away! I wonder what 2009 will bring.


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