
Friday, December 26, 2008

Went out with cy, qz, ivan, swee khoon and farzana last night for dinner at citylink's Thai Express and then we watched Twilight at marina GV. Was looking forward to it! Sure beats rotting at home. On Christmas Day. Imagine that. Too bad mum couldn't join us.

Twilight was good, but I have to read the book. Farzana was right! They guys are good looking. Especially Carlisle. Edward pales in comparison to him (no pun intended). Not to sound gay though...I'm straight through and through! I think I'm gonna feel a bit weird reading the Twilight series given that I'm not the kind of person who indulges in romance...but I'm going to give it a shot anyway!

I hope she likes her Christmas gift. I honestly didn't have the faintest idea what I should have gotten her. I know cy liked his! Maybe he didn't want it, but he sure did need it. Maybe I should get that book from him when he's done with it. A lot of interesting face slapping detail in there. I should think qz likes his too! Damn, his gift was the laughing stock of the night. Check out my facebook if you want to know what it is. I got it by chance (though I was hoping for it), out of 3 other possible rewards. Hey, if you wanna check out farzana being her usual retarded self (well, she tends to hide that side of her most of the time), it's going to be all over my facebook too. haha.

It's been a good Christmas.


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