
Tuesday, December 19, 2006


woooooo I am super tired today..woke up at like 10:30am. Intended to sleep more but then I decided not to pig off and get myself off the bed. Well yesterday I arrived in singapore at around 2:30pm...went home with Khairi cuz apparently his mum wasn't there to pick him up as she had promised earlier. Not bad lah, I just learnt that his aunt's house is super near to samantha's house lah. Passed her place twice on the way there and back. alright alright...hearty itchy itchy!! I'll update you on what we did in Thailand now!

Day 1

Day 1 was...err, well, don't count lah, huh? Left Singapore at about 6:15pm on Tiger Airways, the super budget airway which has planes with 3 rows + aisle + 3 rows space inside...super cramped and the seats were quite uncomfortable. Haiyahhh...last time we took Singapore Airlines much bigger and more comfortable, all for the same price can? lol. Got inflight movies and games and stuff summore, unlike Tiger Airways; the only things you get to do is read the cheapo magazines, stare out the window or TRY to get some sleep. Okay, back to the story. This was the first ever time I went to the Budget Terminal, as with many other members. My mum was surprised that the terminal looked like it...too used to the good stuff in Terminal 2 I guess. haha. There was only one 'shop' outside, which was Han's. Pretty good place, if you ask me. My first impression of the Budget Terminal from outside?

"looks liks a funfair sia."

Alright. Another thing was that the pilot was blabbering some shit before takeoff which puzzled us for a few moments. We were only able to catch a few words from his steady stream of jibberish! I wonder what would happen if there was an emergency and nobody could understand what he was saying...that'd be pretty interesting. hmmm.


We arrived at a new airport in Bangkok which was called Suvarnabhumi Airport. Much nicer than the old airport which we landed at 2 years ago. It's pure international airport stuff. haha. finally, some standard. After that we went to some restaurant along one of the highway exits for dinner. I tell you, the tom yum tasted like water with chilli padi and grass inside. hahahahaha. seriously. But the food was good, just that everything was just too spicy. Felix was sweating like the pig that he was trying to down everything during dinner.

Okay, after that we went to our hotel which was called Suan Dusit Palace / Place. I think I'll call it Place because putting the word 'Palace' on it leaves its style and attractiveness much to be desired. Got familiarized with the place and my room mate MR LIANG! very nice guy actually. Dun regret having him as my room mate! haha.

Day 2

Today we went to Dreamworld! Nice place, and although I heard from my mum that it'd been renovated and new stuff had been added since 2 years ago, I really didn't see any difference in the place. haha. Just rides, more rides, and shops selling pretty cheap stuff if you ask me. Except the Adidas shop. the stuff there burns holes in your wallet. Though I didn't buy anything there. haha. Went on many of the rides with my group : Boo Keong, Farhana, Carmel and Khairi. Too bad we didn't combine groups, but anyway splitting up was better; we were able to cover more ground. There were three things the entire band did together though: A train ride around the park, the cable car ride which was pretty scary, and Snow Town! DAMN it I remember it being VERY MUCH WARMER the other time we went to Snow Town. I think we spent a good half hour or more there last time, but this time, all of us went in, and were out in around 10 minutes. hahaha. too freakin cold man! Shivering like crazy, hands frozen and painful. Estee, especially, was shivering like crazy and her face was all white (well, it was already white, but this time whiter =D) and I thought I had an advantage by wearing my Nike jacket underneath the one they provided us with; no luck. I gave it to Estee anyway so she wouldn't turn into an icicle. I would'nt want to see her with this face -_- indefinitely, and neither would anyone else.

Speaking of her and that face, she was almost the center of attention in Thailand. I don't know why, but she was one of the best people to bully during that trip. hahaha. Too bad she had to leave on the morning of the fourth day to prepare for her flight to Denmark the following night. Khairi will miss her =D don't worry man, she'll be back on the 28th if I remember correctly.

One ride I can never forget : SUPER SPLASH! Reliving the past was great, although this time I went one or two times less than the last. 2004 : 7/8 times. 2006 : 6 times! But if I could count the times I standed on the bridge facing the flume's descent, woot. hahahaha. two digits man. I tell you, standing there was more shiok than going down on that thing, minus the rush you get from plunging downwards. The advantage is that you get smacked right in the face with a whole lot of water, as opposed to having a little less water crashing down on you after 2 seconds or so, after the water around the flume makes a wall taller than you can lift your neck to see. What doesn't come crashing on you hurtles toward the bridge and slams anyone standing on it. ME LOVES. hahahahaha. I went once with my cousin too. He was weird during this trip, not talking very much and always saying 'whatever...' I felt a little sad knowing that I couldn't make him feel much better about the trip. He enjoyed Super Splash too, I suppose.

One more ride was Space Mountain, some indoor roller coaster whose waiting area smelled of dried urine. SERIOUSLY. Damn, it stank, but my group and I went twice =) The scary part about this coaster is not the drops and helixes, but the fear of getting your arms or head ripped off by not keeping them inside the car. I was trying my best to duck and dodge inside the car in order to make it out in one piece!

Alot more stuff, but I won't cover here. hahaha. Please refer to other band members' blogs for the details I left out =D

Day 3

Today was the highlight of the entire trip, the exchange program with Bodindecha High School's marching band. DAMN THAI MARCHING BANDS ARE FREAKIN SCARY MAN. They look something like DCI's Div. III or II even. Not I lah. Div I corps are godlike. the stuff they do for warmups are so different and we've never seen them before. They just do everything with such ease that I'm amazed. And their discipline...woot. Excellent, man. Mistakes? just one or two out of the whole 1 hour plus of basic marching. Occasional slip of mind I guess. But the battery percussion...woot. No tenors that day, but the snare and bass is enough to make us smile in awe and embarrassment. But they were really, really friendly and accomodating, taking time to make us feel comfortable with their drums and the exercises they used. Their Drum Major was a percussionist too, and he was the one who was leading us in the exercises most of the time. It just felt so great playing on the drums that we dream of playing, using the drumsticks of percussionists in a band which owned in the Yamaha All Thai Marching Band competition. We did well that day. Alot of concentration, I see. Bass drummers...splitting time!!! alot of practice is coming our way. haha.

One more thing about the band; they have a colour guard section! And what about them, besides being able to spin flags, rifles and other stuff aside the band? THE GIRLS ARE TOTALLY AWESOME! I mean, they don't even look Thai! They're pretty, super friendly like Japanese girls, some of them are tall, slim and slender. One of them had long, slightly dyed hair and she was the best of them all to me. One hundred percent perfect. Gotta love those girls! hahahaha. Hey, I'm not the only one amazed by their beauty. Ask Syafiq or Zach. hahahaha. really...really really nice. But I didn't approach them though unlike Syafiq and the other guys...shy. hahahaha. really okay, I'm not that good with girls.

Alright, after all the fun and the godlike tom yum served during lunch at their school, we set off for MBK, the godlike shopping centre in the downtown area...with heavy hearts and images of the people we met in Bodindecha school burned in our minds. hahaha. Just to add, to Syafiq's disgust, I dreamed of Bell, one of the colour guard girls (the prettiest one to me) on one of the nights. muahaha. Okay, back to MBK. Not much to say, besides seeing a lot of stuff we don't get to buy here in Singapore, for example, the super interesting shirts with assorted STUFF on them which I shall not say here. The arcade was super nice too, with all the latest games, at a fraction of the price paid to play here in Singapore. I had a good time drifting with Khairi on OutRun 2. House of the Dead 4 was a must play here. less than a buck compared to the 2 dollars you pay for a game here at home.

Bowling!!! We went back to Strike Bowling at MBK 7th floor, the one with disco music and lights everywhere, and glow in the dark bowling pins and bowling balls. There were even two pool tables not far from the lanes.

After that went for dinner at the food court on the 6th floor. Nice place, lots of variety. I had the Turkish fare though. Stuck to strictly Halal food everytime we were there. But hey, who's complaining? the food is great!

Met at around 8:30pm Bangkok time to go back to the hotel...And another day had gone.

Day 4

Today was the day we went to Chatuchak market, land of the great bargaining deals! It was also the day Estee left for the airport after breakfast...well I already said why around the beginning of the post, right? haha.

Alright. We had some cruise along the Chao Phraya river on a boat. Really nice. Got to see a lot of stuff. The best part was the feeding of the catfish in the river. I tell you, it's almost as if the catfish knew it was lunch time when the boat stopped. We soon saw their silhouettes lurking beside the boat. When we threw the bread in...all hell broke loose man! All the fish were fighting for the bread. Syafiq was scolding dunno wad shit as he threw the bread right in the fish' faces. hahaha. damn funny. Okay, after the cruise we went to some Temple of the Dawn. Pretty nice place. The steps were so steep some of them had to sit down and hold one step while reaching down for the next. Then it was time to cross the river and wait for our bus to take us to Chatuchak/JJ/Weekend/Super Cheap/Bargain Heaven/Whatever market.

Ok I am just too lazy to elaborate on the place, besides the fact that the market is pretty dark, damp, crowded, and smelly around the food stall areas. hahaha. I bought a pair of original Billabong bermudas for like 18SGD. Don't ask me why I know its original. It is and that's final. haha. But I bought it 2 sizes too big so I wanna sell it off here...see how much profit I can make. ALRIGHT. end of Chatuchak story. hahahahahaha. LAZY!

Day 5

Today was the day we went to the Zoo! I won't say much, cuz its pretty much the same as any other zoo you would visit. What more do you expect for a 50baht entrace fee? Yes, of course SG Zoo is better. haha. Me and Aidil played some Need for Speed Underground 2 game in the arcade...stupid thing lag like what sia. Waste money. haha. After that we went to MBK AGAIN! But this time, it was buy, buy, buy. haha. I tell you, I went there with 2k plus baht, went back to the hotel with 400. hahahaha. But that's not very much, okay? haha. The bulk of my money was spent on buying the dogtags for the drumline. The alumni were finding gifts for our sections as well as our groups as sort of a 'thank you' and encouragement gift. The groups bought stuff for us too! Very grateful...haha. The lady who sold me the dogtags was really nice. I managed to save about 400baht after bargaining with her. She had no argument about the price I stated. She was just very accomodating. Probably cuz I bought so many from her, aiya nvm la. hahahaha.I bought this soft toy for Estee too. Since she left early and missed out so much, I just thought it was fitting. haha. I bought an Estee for Estee!!! hahaha. well, it just looks a lot like her, that's all.

When we went back to the hotel, I did up the dog tags for the drumline, writing Titans Drumline 2006 on one side and their respective names on the other with a permanent marker. Cheapskate, yes, but it was the only thing I could do. I think they liked it, though. It was an emotional moment passing out the dog tags...shaking hands and exchanging hugs. pretty nice if you ask me.

Day 6

Today, we left for Singapore. A little mixed feelings...wanna go...dun wanna go. haha. But for me, I wanted to go home. I just missed everything at home. My computer, my bed, my bathroom. haha. I guess a little time away from home didn't actually spoil everything in the homey aura.

okay, I'll just stop here then. You notice...with every day above, it got shorter and shorter? hahahaha don't blame me lah. tired. haha. okay, pictures will be up later when I find the strength to do it up. cheers!


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