
Sunday, November 12, 2006

The first thing I saw before I clicked the 'New Post' sign was something that told me to switch to the newer version of Blogger...I was just too lazy to bother. Read through it a couple of times and decided that it wasn't worth my time. Yeah, and DotA is, eh? For now, hell yes it is! hahaha. I've been playing that since about 6pm and now it's time for my little break. i was just so bored so I decided to update my blog, since it's been dead for the past few days.

Well I think I should start by cursing mathematics...or right now, statistics. Screw Bernoulli and his trials! Screw Binomial and Poisson distributions! Screw stats!!!! ahhh forget it. It's something I gotta learn even though I hate it so much. I feel maths in JC is just so pointless in what it imparts to us. I see absolutely no point of learning something that's of no direct use to me!

Oh well. Playing games isn't too, right? But it's all in the enjoyment. Temporary satisfaction, someone said to me. Well if it makes me happy, why not? haha. It teaches you things that you don't really see at first, too. But I won't say how. People gotta find out by themselves, you know?

Well cy's asking me to go karaoke again but I just can't make it. It's been this way for the past few weeks. I can't really remember when was the first time I went to kbox. But I have the urge to sing again. But this week I'm tied up with my class chalet, and on the other days, the poor poly guy has school so well, yeah. Too bad, I guess.

I watched Wimbledon this morning while having prata for breakfast...I only watched the ending part, but damn was it nice! Quite an adrenaline rush watching them play. I'm actually starting to think Kirsten Dunst is pretty, too. haha. I never used to think that way. The first time I remember seeing her was in Spiderman 2. But she looked a whole lot better in Wimbledon, I must say.

Bah, I've really not much to say already, besides seeing a certain someone in pe attire with her hair down on friday. gosh. hahaha. I'll see you guys around then.

[man...this feels funny. haha.]


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