
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Today was fun...went for band from 9 to 5. the band played pop songs, and practiced a few concert songs. Can say improving a lot. They must really put in effort into practicing during sectionals and such...congas are starting to be my liking.

Well yesterday samantha came over to my house after her studying thing with yong zhen and jaslyn...i think. Met downstairs, went for bubble tea...stupid me offered to buy her a drink. Dumb me blurted out the name of the most ex one. Mocha ice blend. 2 bucks. and I was the one drinking it most of the time lah! i hate coffee. haha. oh well. damn lame la she. Hang out with her ah, can go crazy. if not become stupid. hahaha. but must thank her entertainment. haha.

I am just feeling so sleepy now. haha. today was a really tiring day. I was stinking like wad when I came home. Despite that I played com before bathing though. I think I'm going to go to bed soon, but I don't really want to. Because after this fitful night of sleep...comes a day...where I have...TUITION. for goodness sake, tuition on a sunday. What a wonderful way to spoil such a day. sunday is a day for slackers like me to wallow in comfort and bask in entertainment and the like....not for staring at words and numbers, reading through maths notes that seem to be full of Greek, Russian and a little Mongolian, rather than English. I actually told my teacher that and he agreed that some maths stuffs are stupid, lame, and not worth learning, but like everyone else; it's gotta be done. He was actually the typical student, skipping lectures sometimes, not doing tutorials. But of course he got back onto the right track. Oh well.

I seem to be changing in the fact that I prefer to go home alone nowadays rather than with people. One reason (or excuse, as you may have it), is the fact that I am a horrible conversationalist. People who go home with me would most likely hear nothing from me, at least till I think hard enough to come up with something to say to break the silence. I've only myself to blame for that I suppose. Another reason is the freedom of space, where I get to sort out my thoughts in absolute peace without another person cutting in at the wrong time. What thoughts? I dunno. anything, I guess. Shaking off thoughts I deem improper to ponder, then going back to a state of mind where everything is blank and I just stop thinking. Staring at landmarks helps. Anything. Grass, signboards...just to get my mind off something. How long would it take for something like this to consume me fully? I cannot let this happen...whatever it is.

well, sorry for the senseless blabbering once again. I'm off...


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