
Monday, October 02, 2006

Took my chem paper today...and I am not at all confident. haha. god frickin damn it, I spent so much time (and my friends did the same) on studying organic chemistry pinning my hopes on what I thought would make up the most of the chem the end, damn it, they scattered the damn thing all over and if I were to go and count all the organic chem just aint worth the while. And I really think the management is desperate for us to do well this promos. They'd given us a question VERY similar, if not identical, to what came out in the chem paper. Some kind of iodate ions reacting with iodide ions to liberate iodine, then add thiosulphate to do dunno what. haha. I bet you guys would be like wtf looking at this lah. haha. nvm. It's just another part of all the nonsense we learn here in JC. Government aided experimental institutions. That's what I call em'. hahaha.

Tomorrow is physics and once again I am not at all confident. Passing may not be a problem, but doing well will be. But what the hell, all I want to do right now is get promoted to JC2. Aiming high will not really get me anywhere right now. I firmly believe that you cannot persuade the typical teenager to accept everything as a necessity and fact when he moves up to a higher level of education. Perhaps I'm just using that as a blatant excuse (looks like it, doesn't it?), but for me, my ideology works just fine.

2 H2 subs and 1 H1 sub, eh? shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hey, if I manage to flunk physics, maths would make up for it just fine. I dare say I've been putting much more effort into maths than any other subs.

What subs do I want to take at H3 level next year? I don't very well know of course. At the rate I'm going right now, H2 is too much too. hahahaha. Well I've thought about taking chem at H3, but with all the damn stuff I've got to memorize right now, RIGHT DOWN to the damn arrows (half and full arrows) reflecting ELECTRON MOVEMENT from molecule to molecule...I don't think I can cram much more into this head of mine next year as I have this year. And lest I forget; this is only my first year. What I take into JC2 WILL be applied...into the more advanced topics where more nonsense is introduced in class.

Okay, I think I've said just about enough about about a little insight into what I've been doing for the past five or so hours since I reached home? I've begun folding straw hearts again for god knows what the hell. I just took one look at all the pink straws I 'borrowed without asking' from the physics lab a few months back. Well it seems just like yesterday I learned how to fold straw hearts. But I'll leave that for later. I've found no motivation whatsoever for myself to be able to study today. Even watching the BOB documentary almost put me to sleep. I think I prefer watching young men in combat than old men telling tales in black and white about their epic past.

Straw hearts? I think I made a commitment to myself a few months ago..too long ago, to make about 10 straw hearts a day. At the end of ten days I'd have 100, then in three months or so, a thousand. What was I thinking? I seem to be taking longer to fold these little bits of plastic than I used to. If I remember correctly, I'd been able to fold these things behind my I can't. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to try again. hahaha. Does make me seem a little stupid doing that right now. Who'd bother to see me do it? that's right. no one.

PY and SPF are going to thailand this december...I admit that I'd follow the in who the alumni would be going with. But I'd personally prefer PY. It's more...well, I just feel more comfortable with them than I'd be with anyone else, save my friends in school. I don't think I'd felt more comfortable...ever.

*sigh*, yeah. I think I'm pretty dry right now, and if I were to continue you guys would be reading nothing but hot air.

I've spared you this time.


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