
Saturday, September 16, 2006

I wonder where everyone's gone. Seems tonight may be a lonely night for me.

Perhaps. Been playing Diablo II for the past 3 hours and I managed to finish off Baal within fifteen minutes. He was surprisingly easy I must say...Evil never long as you can rain down fire from the sky and have an Iron Wolf and a blood thirsty grizzly bear by your side.

Today had band at py, and was supposed to do the drumline recording after band. But in the end didn't get to do it because they wanted to lock up the room fast (or so I heard) and band is stopping for exams, which is good for me, so I won't be tempted to go back for band while I can actually be studying for my promos.

I've realized how easy it is to fail english, or should i say GP, in JC. My past comprehension test was a disaster, as with all the other students in the class, save one who passed merely by a mark. I got 13.5 out of 50 and that was totally absurd. Seems no matter how 'right' you think your answer is, and after continous rounds of checking after checking, it all just comes back to you wrong, smacking you right in the face. I wonder how I'm going to pull through for this exam, and more importantly, next year's A's. Maybe my english isn't really up to standard. I can only wonder how I can get through this stage.

right, I've finally gotten Iris from one of my JC mates...and so I can enjoy its lovely tunes and lyrics as and when I like...seems to me that I've been listening to this song everyday. There's just so much to appreciate.

Today's probably not the mood to blog, because I seem to myself to be taking just too much time to think about things to blog know, sometimes I wished I could convey things in cryptic riddles just like how Benedict does. Because I think if I'd expressed all my feelings outright, it'd be the end of me right there. haha.

here's a little bit. I left py today with half a soul and whatever was left of my heart...and the best thing about it is, I don't know why! fortunately I was able to salvage whatever was left over lunch with qizheng and chang yuan...just like old times, the three of us, we were almost always together, always sharing jokes, personal things (well not much of that)..I enjoy their company...I guess as time goes by, you just can't keep most things under your control, and sooner of later it's over, and everything starts to drift away, out of your reach.

"I wonder if we'll still be friends, 5 years from now"

That's what qizheng said to me while a few of us were on a beach at East Coast Park. It was....a long time ago, I should think. And now I start to wonder...

"Will we?"

I remember being very confident, saying "of course..." or something like that, but I never really stopped, took one step back to think about everything and how everything is going to change, how new things proliferate, how old things wither and die. Life is just like that...and I hold faith that tells me the friends I have now...are friends for life, and it's up to fate to see how that comes along in the near future.

Funny, qizheng also told me today that the ice in Antarctica is melting at 3 times the normal rate...up from 1.5 times which we learned in geography last year. Flooding is increasing in countries already experiencing high water levels...and Singapore I formerly a no-typhoon, no-hurricane, no-flood zone, is going to be hit hard by these natural disasters soon enough...I've always thought to myself

"because of how we treat the Earth, I think I'm leaving this world before my time is offically up"

And I believe so. I have little faith in what is to come; whether Earth will hold out for the next fifty years or so. But just as some people seem to be far from optimistic, there's always the few who are. I think the newest green technologies are going to save us all...the last thing I need to be worried about is the Earth being hit by a meteor of some sort..that's not a pretty way to die. hmmm..what would I do if a giant ball of fire was headed toward the Earth...reddening the blue sky, sending an intense, menacing roar throughout the skies....and Earth's people stand on the ground below, terrified, crying, regretful...

What the hell am I blabbering about!? I always seem to go off topic and end up talking about something else...must be the little things messing with my head. and no, this is not why I fail GP.

It all seems so cold, and unfeeling, or perhaps that's just me. I seem to think that indifference to things makes me a much happier person, just that there would definitely be a lot more on my mind than what my actions would speak for. I feel that...not caring so much...seems to ease the pain. Cowardly, you would say. Running away from what's causing this distress to me...but hell, if it makes me feel a hell of a lot better then...perhaps...just perhaps, I won't mind being a coward.


where has everyone gone.....


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