
Monday, February 16, 2009

Ran 2.4km today as part of the morning exercise...quite happy with it despite knowing I've yet to clear the 10:30 mark. I really want to get gold for the upcoming IPPT! <9:44 still feels so far away.

Spent most of the day reading New Moon...I'm just over a hundred pages I think. I don't know if the 'draggy' part of the book has started. I don't really feel that it is. haha. Maybe it's because I survived Twilight, so the style kinda sunk in already. The endless babbling about Edward's physical perfection is starting to get under my skin, though. It's narcissistic. The only thing worse than self obsession is an obsession with someone else. Bella needs some professional help.

Muthu was sitting underneath the table in the office today and as a result of that poor position and an absent minded idiocy he hit his head twice. Of course, both times I was laughing like an idiot. FAIL.

Time actually passed pretty quickly today, and I wonder why. The minutes seem to hardly so much as inch by nowadays, a complete contradiction to the known fact that life's been speeding up a lot since secondary school. Ah...those were the days of carefree indulgence.

I can't wait for tomorrow! Dinner with mum, qz and cy and then mahjong at mum's place. I want to spend as much time with her as possible before she leaves this Saturday. It's strange. In a way, I can't wait for Saturday, but I really really don't want her to leave...inexplicable.

I can't believe how much fun I derive from this considering the fact that I usually don't last more than one round (no, not one wind. one round) while playing at my aunt's place.

Come to think of it, there are so many things to do out there that would be made all the more fun and fulfilling when done with friends. I always used to say Genting would be much more fun with friends around rather than just family. Must be a phase. Doesn't that phase usually occur in teens aged 16-18/19? I'm 20 this year. Holy crap. There's a '2' in front! And I'm so not acting my age yet. I wonder what it's going to be like to be Boring. tsk.

"It was a crippling thing, this sensation that a huge hole had been punched through my chest, excising my vital organs and leaving ragged, unhealed gashes around the edges that continued to throb and bleed despite the passage of time.......I scrambled for my numbness, my denial, but it evaded me.
And yet, I found I could survive. I was alert, I felt the pain - the aching loss that radiated out from my chest, sending wracking waves of hurt through my limbs and head - but it was manageable. I could live through it. It didn't feel like the pain had weakened over time, rather that I'd grown strong enough to bear it."

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