
Monday, February 09, 2009

I just finished watching Rambo 2008 (yes I'm slow, I know.) and I must say I've learned quite a few things along the way! Let's see...

1. It is possible to rip out someone's throat with your bare hand
2. An explosion doesn't just make you fly a few feet. It can...well...take your feet right off.
3. If you think an execution is cruel, try playing 'mine games' with captives and flinging a young boy right into a flamethrower jet right after yanking him from his mother's grasp.
4. A .50 caliber machinegun (I think it was the Browning M2 that was used in the movie) is a hellspawn of a weapon. Must've been some tool in WW2. It's still mounted on things like Humvees now though.

Here are a few of the many things it (well, its bullets, actually) can do :

-Tear a person to pieces at point blank range (and I do mean pieces.)
-Sever a person's leg entirely at the shin
-Cut a person in half at the abdomen
-Take an arm off
-Take a head off
-Put a hole cleanly through a person
-Cut down a tree

And what scares me, really, is the fact that during the last part of the movie where all this was happening, I couldn't help but smile through the unimaginable carnage that was unfolding. I guess it did look pretty cool despite being utterly gruesome.


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