
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Damn, it's late. The reason why I'm only updating now is because...This is the only time I can! I've just reformatted my OS drive and reinstalled everything because my com kinda screwed up somewhere, and I had no choice but to start from scratch. Thank God I didn't have any super essential data that I could've lost through reformatting. My mouse seems to be a little cranky though 0_o

I had BO duty on Friday...went to sleep at 9pm and was woken up by my friend at midnight, just to tell me he was still awake =.= I tried going back to sleep but ended up tossing and turning till 7am and it was time to go.

Went home, dropped my stuff, and went to sk's house to meet my JC classmates for visiting! Was a really fun day full of crap, good food at Swensens and mahjong at hui tian's place. Her house is like full of IQ toys lah...we were going nuts trying to figure them out.

There was one particular toy. It was a 3 x 3 cube made up of 27 smaller cubes. It kinda explodes into a jagged string of little cubes and what you're supposed to do is fit them together until you get the big cube. That was pure hell. haha. She then got her sister to totally humiliate (albeit unintentionally) us by showing us how to do it, all in under 15 seconds. It took us a few hours between the four of us to figure it out later. haha!

Sadil found out about my recent running obsession from sk and started ribbing me about it. I should really start trying to run without music soon. haha. Maybe music could be the difference between serious running and running for the fun and psychological benefit of it.

Got home at midnight and went straight to bed after a bath...had to wake up at 7 this morning for my run with chang yuan! Ran only about 5km was really an off day. Too tired, too crowded, too hungry. haha!

I wonder who has plans this coming Saturday, though I have a pretty good idea who does and who definitely doesn't. I know I don't! Yeah, it's Valentine's Day. No, to me, it's just a Saturday. hahaha. poor, sad old boy.

Mum's leaving in two weeks and I'm already starting to feel the ache. I never knew I could grow to be so emotionally attached to her, actually. For her, it'll be a great experience, but likely one laden with wistful homesickness...something she can't help but feel, though. It isn't easy pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to pursue what you want to do in a foreign environment. The rigors of adjusting, living and working can really get to you, and the fact that you miss your friends and especially family so much back home doens't help either. But I know she can do it. She's strong and motivated!! And she'll always have people like me giving her support and encouragement whenever she needs it. You know you can count on me mum!! =)

Midnight midnight in the morning tomorrow. GOODBYE!


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