
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Super low patience and attention span today man. Couldn't dedicate my time to practicing, reading or even playing my psp today. It was only till later in the afternoon when I found myself practicing just three rudiments for a solid hour and a half. Damn, those flam rudiments are a real bitch. Well at least I can play them decently now. Three of them, at least.

Went to meet mum at AI after work, took bus home together. We were talking about random stuff, and she was on a sugar rush from the kueh bahulu she'd bought earlier today. That stuff is really good! Its funny how she gets sugar rush so easily. haha. And then she gets totally random and hyper. Anyway, I mentioned the north being a boring place; with no pretty girls at all to see at the interchange area. Seemed as though they were all in the East.

Then a girl boarded the bus.

"It seems we've found an exception to my claim."

Gosh, she was gorgeous. hahaha. Chinese girl with long, straight hair with a heavy fringe across the forehead, deep, alluring eyes. Tall and tanned, too. As she walked past (she sat in the seat next to me in another aisle on the right side of the bus; we were on the left) mum noticed she was wearing a Ngee Ann sec tee.

"She's wearing a ngee ann sec tee!"

"That explains it. HAS to be an east-sider. hahaha!"

And so my claim holds. haha. okay lah, maybe I'm just making excuses to keep it that way.

I walked home from S11 area after accompanying her to top up her ezlink card and get more kueh bahulu from this bakery called icake. Apparently she enjoys nibbling on the crust of the little round cakes, so she picked out the ones with the thickest edges. hahaha. cute.

COD5 arrives tomorrow night!


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