
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Strange, I only started to feel the drain from the OCS Comms Parade when I got home. Exhaustion must take some time to sink in for me too, I guess. haha.

Yes, I was eating my heart out at SAFTI.

I met Benedict, Hao Yi and Sadil there...Sadil looked damn happy and I'm happy for him. He'd been through 9 months of shit and now he's finally getting out! And with a staff officer job at that.

Does anyone else think the word 'beautiful' is underrated? I seem to think it's overused, underestimated and just plain not given the respect of being subtely sacred as a word. I guess some people just have a very simplistic view of what the word means. To them it could be something along the line of "oh yeah, a beautiful person is attractive on exterior".

Again with the obsession of taking things at face value.

I feel that 'beautiful' defines everything you love about a person on the outside and inside in one word. What do you think?

emotions are so dangerous sometimes.. they blind you and inconspicuously, bind you and when you lose it, you're stuck, bound in chains to it.


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