
Monday, June 18, 2007

Hey guys! haven't updated in a long time so this should be a good time to do so...In any case, I'm back from Genting! Yes, I went to that country I shall not name since all of you should know that it has earned my eternal scorn for reasons I shan't share here =D It just seems to be like an under-utilized, under-developed, under-maintained, corrupted mass of semi-urban asian ruckus whose people I dare not socialize with very much. I won't say why. haha.

Had a ton of fun over there! damn, this was the first time I made the fullest use of my Outdoor and Indoor theme park passes, EXCLUDING kiddy rides, of course. I went on almost everything !!! (that was open and not ridiculously crowded) No, I didn't take the carousel or the kiddy bumper cars, they were out of order =) I did take that chairswing thingy twice and went on the flying coaster twice in a row!! damn that was an amazing ride. Can't compare to those in the West though, but what the heck, its good enough for where it is in! xD

I managed to keep in touch with my archery skills by playing a few games at Star Archery over there. No pics of that though. My phone died after the second day, so I had to use my mum's phone to take some pics.

The food there was good too. Had a dimsum lunch on the third day at some restaurant at...was it First World Hotel? Yes the reputedly haunted one. No worries; I stayed at Hotel Resort...or Resort Hotel...aiya malays like to jumble up the words.
Like there was this sign that said "Ticket Counter" and under it were the words in malay : "Kaunter Tiket" looks cheap, has the same sound as the english words...and its just flipped over. I kinda chuckled to myself upon seeing that, but hey, I'm not in the least being racist, okay? Again, no pics of that. Fuck it, I should just bring a damn digital cam next time. I just clean forgot about bringing that infernal Olympus piece of scrap metal they call a camera (it really looks like scrap metal, mind you) since its 7.2 megapixels looks like less then a single mega pixel anyway. Pathetic.

AND I MISSED PEOPLE OVER HERE OKAY!!!!! People like chang yuan...yes I missed the bastard, okay? Carmen...and her stupidity...aiiii and of course my dearie =))) I don't need to say much else!! xD she thinks I didn't get her anything...wahahaha...little does she know.

Hokay...and I scaled the rock wall!!! (noob area) I've never done it before, and neither have my cousins, so my mum and aunts decided to let us have a shot at it. Damn it was fun. Challenging too. One of the instructors (male) called me a strong guy for having reached the top of the hard section of the noob area. hahahaha. Sounds weird right. Trust me, it was dificult for someone who has had no experience in rock climbing AT ALL. give me a break, will ya? =D
And on the way down from the mountain (on the way home) the bloody van broke down! seems our genious driver refused to drive in low gear whilst descending the treacherous slopes and corners that his brakes overheated and went boom, leaving the smell of burnt rubber in the air around us (we initially thought that came from over cars whose tyres gave out) so we had to stop off at a guard post to wait for it to cool down before doing the rest of the journey!

And here's the moment you've all been waiting for...PICS!!!! PAINSTAKINGLY UPLOADED BY YOURS TRULY! you'd better be grateful for what you're about to see!!!!!

some indians making a fool of themselves by raiding the stage and dancing to the music -.-"

The Corkscrew! (no, not Cockscrew.) the Theme Park's greatest roller coaster...till this baby came along :

Say hello to the Flying Coaster (it's a Spider-Man ripoff. how typical.)

Hey its the Energizer man in malaysia!!! fooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! two thumbs up for Genting!

SWEET! I can punch people whilst on the roller coaster!!!!! (no, I don't know what instructions like these are doing on a damn roller coaster.)

The chairswing! damn this kiddy-looking thing was fun. There were tons of adults on it okay (no pun intended) the anti-gravity feeling was just sweet!

Kua simi lan jiao? (trust me he'll be saying that in just years.) That's my eldest cousin, Russell. To me he's the most irritating one, but he's also the one who's closest to me. wahaha. I TOOK GOOD CARE OF HIM IN GENTING!

Ze Rock Vall, with my coh-zens climbing, Dylan on the left on ze medium course of ze noob area, Russell on ze hard course of ze noob area. I conquered both before zem xD btw, neither of zem made it to ze top. French class is over. oui.

This is the Expert part of the rock wall (the rock wall spans about 50metres across in total); on the left of this is the OMGWTF godlike part of the course which was like a flight of inverted steps, which no one had climbed (or at least, I didn't see anyone climb it for the entire time I was there)

Here's the van in its sorry state. It's a Ford damn it, and it broke down. test out its cooled brakes it just rolled down toward us and thank heavens the brakes worked or the van would've just crashed into us all wahahahaha.

wtf changyuan's brother runs a wine company!?!?!? should ask him for Christmas and New Year discounts!

THE END!!!!! That's almost all of the pics. Yes I know they're poorly taken and few in number...but they'll just have to do xD

This is me and her after I picked her up from her tennis game at some place near Tanah Merah (Tenah Merah?) MRT the other day =)) i love her so much!! xD
Okay guys...that's just about it. Be prepared for more rants to come cuz SCHOOL IS REOPENING NEXT WEEK! to hell with it..
and band fiesta prac is finally getting underway. Although today wasn't much of a milestone in the practices towards the event. I hope things get better soon. Need to work more on the toms!!! I've lost touch with the instrument xD
See ya guys!!!
[ I'll love you forever...if there was a word to describe the utmost length of time I'd use it...but right now i'll stick to forever =)) ]


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