
Sunday, April 22, 2007

hey hey! seems there was some kind of problem with blogger on Opera so now I'm using IE...damn I do hate IE...Speaking of IE (microsoft developed), my copy of Vista is still sitting under my desk and I do detest the thought of taking it out and installing I least till the new service pack is out to correct all the rubbish inside.

I went out with dearest yesterday to TM and Pasir Ris Park!!! Its been a long long time since we'd gone out on a I thought yesterday was a damn good time, although YZ, Geraldine, Jasper and (was there someone else? I can't remember.) were with us for a little while. The stupid bomberman was single player lah...couldn't play with her. Time Crisis 2 was in a sorry state too, so we had to scout around that pathetic piece of tenance people call an arcade to find something decent to play. Crazy taxi was fun!!! haven played in a long long time =) I kinda enjoyed the attention a big group of people offered me while I was playing advanced on Daytona USA (yes, old game...but old habits die hard -- old games die hard??) got 1st place wahahahah!

After that we went to Pasir Ris Park...intended to take a bus there lar, but in the end took a cab since it was getting late and there was a long queue for 403 (baby hates long queues...don't you? =D ) damnit my fingers are retarded today. can't type!!! jiayou jiayou! tell you ah, dear was so crappy all the way lah!!! dunno what happened to her yesterday =)

We found a place to sit down and take pics! (it was god damn it crowded...on a Saturday...WHY!?!?!?!?) here's some of em!

wahahaha...sapporo potato ETHNIC FLAVOUR!!!! get it? me malay? she chinese? =D

she MIGHT kill me for this...but it's worth dying for! =D

and the sunset...taken by yours truly! hey the sunset at PRP wasn't so good, but it works for me!

After that we went back to White Sands to have dinner at the food court...wanted to have Jerk (oops...Lerk) Thai but was too expensive... 0_o hmmmmm the bus! =)

Alrighty, that just about wraps up the part about yesterday xD

How am I? Well band has been hectic..and school? I couldn't care less at this point in time. I NEED to get past SYF so I can start STUDYING! YES STUDYING! coming out of my mouth (fingers?) eh? can't believe it? well believe it...I need to start studying. baby reminded me of how much I forgot by asking me stuff about last years' maths stuff =)

yeap....and alumni chalet on the 4th...I should be goin, though I've got band till 9pm or later on that night. will try to make it ba. But I dun wanna go in alone. haha so scary lah there...summore at night leh. oh well.

I know I've not been updating for a long time and this should continue till I'm like more bear with me okay?

See ya!

[[ in the bus!!!!! ]]


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