
Friday, February 16, 2007

Today's CNY performance was not so bad! though school kinda sucked today because we had three periods of lesson in the morning...two periods of maths...with chokky (lim chok peng) as our beloved teacher...then a period of GP with our other much appreciated sexist GP tutor. After that there was a one period break...for us to play cards. lol. I'm starting to take a liking to dai dee again, just like the old times during the first three months where we'd waste away our days playing cards in empty classrooms...doors closed, lights off.

there was a yoyo performance today which totally rocked. damn good sia! and there was this male singer from god knows where who sang this god knows what song, but he was damn good. there was another item comprising a guy and two girls, singing Jay Chou's Shan Hu Hai. the guy sing damn nice, the girls come in and the whole song hong gan. wasted. gotta applaud all those who performed today! great job!

after school went kfc to makan with boon, khoon, jem and bryan...had a Zinger this time, instead of my usual 2 piece chicken meal. Didn't really want to get my hands dirty lah, so settle for something less finger intensive and cheaper.

dear came and all my friends were like so excited about her. they did mention me being super kan chiong while playing cards during lunch before she arrived. People anxious for gf to arrive do you expect me to be calm? hahaha. sorry =)

then we left...for century square...then tampines mall, before deciding that a movie was out of the agenda for today. no.1 : too many people, no.2 : the timings sucks no. 3 : well...there is no no.3...i think it only applies to me. The movies suck too. lol. everyone was talking about Epic movie. what the hell lah. I hated the scary movie series, and now epic movie? dun wan to spend money watching lousy spoofs. haha. I'd rather watch something meaningful.

So, we ended up at the MRT station, taking a train to Pasir Ris. For what? Go PASIR RIS PARK! uufoooo!!!! not a bad place lah, albeit today the weather was scorching. Had to take off my shirt to avoid becoming fried yalam. try reading backwards if you're lost with 'yalam' . We spent some time at the playground playing on the spider web...haha dear was damn funny lah, couldn't get to the top. too old liao. hahaha! I was very worried about having her up there cuz in the bus she told me that she had fallen from there before...I had to make sure I was beside her every step of the way up. In the end only I got to the top lah....den swinged back down like a malay Tarzan.

After that we took a little stroll to the breakwater to enjoy the breeze, before going down to the beach to make a few they are! the huge heart was my idea! =)

this was done by dear...kinda looks like a retarded dollar sign right. hahaha

oh yes....this one too!

not much else, except I got to play on the swings after a long long time! it felt good. haha. though the swings didn't go high enough for my liking. the ones at my old house area was l33t man, can swing till you siao.

okay, ending here le. tmr got soccer again! Felix said it was at 8am...but any idiot knows going at 8am would make him the first to arrive. I'm going at 9am. hahaha. Hope I don't get rammed onto the ground like I was two weeks ago. that day was hiong lah, so many injuries. haha. wish me luck!!!

[[give me one day to watch the sunset with you; that day would last into eternity.]]


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