
Sunday, June 03, 2007 is the last day of slacking before I start studying for my common test tmr!!! it's in three weeks' time and I can't afford to flunk this just like any other test that has come my way since the start of the semester this year =X it's time to live up to the name by which all JC2's in singapore are called...MUGGERS! In case you guys dunno what i'm talking about, well, I classify JC students under two categories according to their level.

JC1 = Noob
JC2 = Mugger

Get it?

Okay this week has left me almost absolutely and definitely considerably...POORER! Went out almost everyday this week, inclusive of two movies (PoTC : At World's End and Shrek 3), at vivo and marina square respectively. The best thing about both movies were that I watched them both in the third row of the cinema =D *twists neck* Pirates ah...half the time I didn't understand a thing they were saying LOL just enjoyed the action and the smart jokes. Shrek 3 was a funny bone's worst nightmare. FREAKING FUNNY LAH everyone in the cinema was almost always laughing every few seconds. Definitely 100% slapstick material. Well worth the money, might I add. That was the most memorable night of insane laughter I've had these few years =D

Besides all that money-spending-related-stuff, yesterday I went to NSRCC with my family and chang yuan, who apparently thrashed me at bowling (two out of three games). Damn sian lol. need to throw curved I throw straight, and vice versa. I even had myself eliminated in pool by ACCIDENTALLY nudging the black ball into the pocket before my tenth shot xD I won anyway, by a new rule I set where the person who finishes his colour is the winner =D

There were two interesting things we encountered yesterday; a catfight between my aunt and another woman in the childrens' playroom (which he and I missed due to the fact that we were hooked on to this token machine in the arcade..which I will explain later) and a flirting couple which ended up in the guy smacking the girl's butt, followed by "you molest me!! =)" okay..that was interesting LOL the girl wasn't very pretty though. hahaha.

Here're the pics (which I don't provide so very often =D)

that coin machine where you slot a token into that metal thingy on the top left, den as the slider moves it pushes the token you slotted in to push the other coins at the edge down =D there was one occasion where I put one in and 7 came out. THATS HOW WE GOT HOOKED =X

This one is particularly interesting. Taking a picture of someone who's taking a picture of someone. get it? those are my cousins...the bloody irritating one in red and the more likeable one who's posing =D

Ahhh, and my favourite. scenery pics! A little glimpse of the beach just outside NSRCC.

Here's the last one...which no, was not taken yesterday...its a pic of the dashing mixed blooded male and the love of his life =) I gotta do something about that moustache...

Okay guys that's just about it for today. I'm looking forward to studying next week (yea'd throw a pie at me for saying that) as well as the extra lectures (YAY <-- 0_o) AND meeting dearie to accompany her to her dental appointment as well as probably spend some time in plaza singapura. Haven't seen her for so long. TOO LONG!!! yes I do miss her. hahaha.

See you guys!

[let this love burn within you as you lay to rest; blessed with the sweetest dreams]


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