
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Now don't ask me about my sudden urge to blog...cuz I haven't in a long long time. haha. Haven't found those perfect moments in J212 in school to do this for the past few weeks...Speaking of weeks, they've been hectic. More than I have ever imagined, where band has been taking up so much of my time, leaving little for anything else, including studying (which I never seem to be able to bring myself to do). Well it'll all be over after SYF (well I certainly hope so!) and I can get back to living the life of a slacker...ahhh the old times. This time, well, needs to include more studying in my daily schedules in preparation for the big one which will come in time, and time is really passing real quick nowadays (or nowaweeks?)

Stress, on the other hand, has not been mounting on me, or so I feel, even though band seems to be getting tougher on the body and schoolwork has of course not been easing up on the brain. So I'm constantly being physically and mentally drilled. Sounds like the good life of a healthy person, doesn't it? Go figure. (dear taught me this..she keeps using it!) Tell me, guys, when have I ever succumbed to the dreaded clutches of stress? Somehow, for the past 17 years, this word never once got hold of any association with me...but I cannot confidently doubt its possibility either.

Let's see...what'll be going on this week? band, band and more band...a maths test, econs remedial (which I am skipping because of band)...not much else, but the lessons are only going to get tougher. Physics SPA (its practical assessment of physics) is finally over, with everyone having completed all the modules. I won't say much about it. Divulging any sensitive stuff here may get me a rather undesirable grade in my results slip...When SPA is over.. the lab lessons are turned into tutorials...wonderful! more quality time with our tutors...and even more words and numbers that all seem to be brought across in Greek and Latin. (not that I don't understand a little Greek and Latin...I see it all the time in Statistics!) Coping will not be a don't worry about me =)

I managed to catch Spiderman 3 at tampines mall today...the result of a concerted effort to get tickets by booking them last Friday...don't ask me. Charlie did it. Great movie if you ask me. A lot more emotional than the previous movie. So far though, my friends and I agree : Spiderman 1 was the best.

Who else to dedicate my last paragraph to than my dearest =) I haven't been able to meet up with her for a while, and even when we do the amount of time we spend together just doesn't seem to be enough. Then again, when is it ever enough? Not that I don't appreciate every second we spend together with all my heart though xD Her birthday is coming...I'm preparing something special =) thank Heavens its on a Saturday...leaves a lot more freedom than when its on a weekday. Putting aside everything else, I love her!!! and that's a fact that's never going to change =)

Okay...I better get back to whatever I'm doing now. Super tired too. cya!


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