
Friday, April 24, 2009

The colours were transparent and worn, and I couldn't see them at first. Through their lucidity I saw warmth, I saw love, I saw a happiness I'd wished for for a very long time, and wanted to have for even longer. In its simplicity I saw truth, faith and trust, and in the breeze it left in its constant circling, the sweet breath of a life long deserved to be lived.

Slowly though, but irrevocably surely, the colours began to embolden, and I saw in them things I'd never expected, with them, experienced emotions I could not understand.

They are, and ironically always were, always there, and so richly emblazoned in front of my eyes. I couldn't see them at all. I needed to have my eyes opened, the cloud of bias removed, and my mind open to my ears which received that which I never wanted to hear.

The colours were all there. And in their mass I saw everything I couldn't see in the beginning.

Violet...the colour of apathy
Blue...the colour of the unfaithful, the cold, the self-righteous, the untrustworthy
Green...the colour of indifference
Yellow...the colour of deception
Red...the colour of brutality

They were...intertwined, yet by taking a step back and surveying the chaos, I could individualize them, and finally understand.

All of them were lies. All of it.

All of it.


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