
Thursday, December 13, 2007

YO GUYS! you thought this blog was dead? THINK AGAIN! It's been more than a month since I last updated...something seems to be able to keep me away from blogging all this while and I still don't know what it is...but at least I'm here now!

So many things have happened this month...I had my prom nite and class chalet last week, in addition to band on saturday plus SPF band's ROD. It was damn damn damn damn damn tiring lah...when I got home after class chalet I was totally busted. Same thing with prom nite. Sleeping at 5-6am every night doesn't really help with keeping fatigue away. And everytime it sets in I find myself in that strangely familiar zombified state where nothing goes into my head and well...nothing gets out lol xD

Prom nite pics are not in but class chalet pics are! Not that I want to share =D

There were soooooooo many people I didn't even recognize on prom nite...especially some of the girls. Makeup can really do wonders! Not that this is a direct insult to anyone I know LOL...really. it's not. hahaha!

Been going for a few parkour runs this month too! Sadil and Swee Khoon have improved A LOT but I feel I still have much to learn from them...especially when it comes to growing balls of steel. That's something both of them have developed over this past few months of training xD We found a new sweet spot to train too! PASIR RIS! Damn, I tell you its a frickin urban playground. So many things to do! So many seemingly mundane things that people would overlook prima facie...but when you've got a little parkour creativity everything just comes into bloom =)

Here's a new one for ya :

that's swee khoon standing precariously on top of a railing...mind you its a 2m or so drop down to the ground so you wouldn't want to slip =)

Actually I wanted to post a video too but the add video option seems to be out of order...and I don't want to take the trouble to post it up on youtube first, so your loss!

PY band is in Genting now!!! I regret terribly not being able to have some of the best fun I could ever imagine together with the band right now. I do admit I feel a little lost without them here in sg =) but I hope they have lots of fun and come back safely from that hellhole! (well not genting. The country overall.)

dear's in bangkok now for a decadent escape from the strain and stress of sg life =) 5 star hotel, spa and gym, shopping...eating...what more could one ask for? Well I'd ask for an arcade and a theme park, but that'll do for it I suppose. hahah! Damn, I should've been online just now. I think I was, but I was gaming =.=

Wonder how she managed to get online over there...internet cafe? Hotel room internet? Aiya, both also she can afford la xD I just can't wait for her to get back!! I really miss her so very much. I know she'll be delighted to see this, but anyway, I didn't say that just to make her happy. HONEST! =) our 11th month was just yesterday...there's a lot more on the way, I know it! COME BACK SOON DEAR!!! =)

Sheryl's coming back end on Jan!!! I can't wait to see her in person again. hahaha. She reminded me that 5 months had passed so very quickly...and just next month she'll be back. How time flies in this teenage life. I remember how it used to be so languid and sometimes frustratingly long time could stretch itself in my earlier years of life, especially in secondary school. After that, it's been living life in the fast lane till now, and I don't expect that to stop anytime soon!

More recently...I caught Warlords with chang yuan and his 16 year old MALE cousin today. Gay outing? You may call it that...I don't. I call it escape from rotting at home lol. Pretty nice movie! not too much gore, although when there was, you could really see it and go "omgwtfbbq did you see that!?"

this is what happened when I went to the bathroom halfway thru =.=

THE GENIUS CHANG YUAN SPILLED 1/4 OF THE FRICKIN TUB OF POPCORN. oooooooh was that enjoyable. It was so damn dark I only though he spilt a bit. Then throughout the rest of the movie I was sliding my feet up and down over what felt like a sea of popcorn. After the movie ended and the lights came on I was met with this horrific sight...I felt like slapping him lol.

Alright...I promise to blog again soon!!! (definition of soon : when I feel it's time.)



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