
Monday, February 01, 2010

Something weird happened to be just now.

My mum called earlier, and I told her that I'd be home for dinner and she said okay, and then she wanted me to sms her the optician's number, and I did.

Later, she called again, this time to scold me about being home for dinner despite telling my aunt I'm not earlier today, because of the fact that my aunt tends to cook just enough for everyone who's eating. I said well that's okay, if there's not enough, I'll have instant noodles. She then said why are you eating instant noodles when I pay her to cook?

Thinks to myself : "So what do you want me to do?"

Then she hung up.

She comes home later, throws the key onto the glass table and shouts at me saying "how many times have I told you not to tell your aunt that you're not eating at home?" and goes on with all that 'she cooks just enough' stuff. I already know the main issue here is the fact that she's PAYING and is not getting enough for her money.


No, seriously, ...what? I was literally scratching my head while listening to my mother rant.

So, you're scolding me because I told my aunt that I'm not having dinner, and then I do, which is apparently wrong because then there won't be enough food (you know what, there WAS enough food. too much for me even on a good day, in fact). Does this boil down

She spends the next half hour or so throwing things around and slamming doors, not forgetting tossing her plate and utensils hard into the sink after coming out of her room (whose door she'd very conspicuously locked after slamming it for good measure)

Now, this tended to scare me at a younger age...but right now I find it embarrassingly amusing. Things will start to fall apart sooner or later, as a product of her overly expressive anger. Yes, of course it all started from me, but everyone should know that human beings are rational, and anger can be controlled where reason can be seen. A very obvious reason would be the natural unwillingness to see a door ease free of its hinges and come crashing to the timbered floor in the middle of the night, or at any other time for that matter.

Did I mention she burst into my room telling me to "get out because I want to use the computer", at the same time throwing her thumbdrive onto my table? Touchy. Is your anger enough for you to forgo the future use of that thumbdrive?

All this is...interesting. I find myself tickled having to witness such a spectacle, which makes it even more strange because I'm supposed to be on the receiving end. It seems the house is taking all the punishment for me instead. Interesting...

Touchy, touchy. And this, once again, brings me further from Christendom. Is this, perchance, a blessing in disguise?




You shouldn't be feeling this way.

Christendom is good for you!

My mother demonstrates otherwise.

It's not Jesus' fault!

I'd blame Jesus over my mother.

You terrible child.

She's my mother! I should choose her above all else! That makes me a wonderful child, no?

But over a God?

Sue me.

I give up.

Why, thank you!


Touchy. Care for a chill pill?


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