
Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Saturday night. That means the day of wasting time is almost over. Almost. But who am I to complain? Wasting time is part of NS life anyway, regardless of which unit you're in. I should be glad I'm not sitting around sweating my ass off in long 4.

Some things, in general, haven't changed...and some things will never change. That's a little sad considering what I'm talking about. No one knows what I'm talking about, right? Good. So what I've said can either make a lot of sense, or most probably right now, no sense at all.

It feels almost easy to wipe someone right off the face of the earth. No, I'm not talking about murder. Oh, it's so very cruel, yes. So immature. Such a stark display of a serious lack of interpersonal ability! Yet so very tempting. Childish things can be tempting at times, no? Once you've accepted the fact that you want it, it's that easy not to turn back.

I must have been telling lies all this time, then! Then again...lies are kind of a one-for-one thing, aren't they? Trust is so overrated. Notice how people say things differently to suit their current situations? How can there be any truth anymore, when every opinion yields a different understanding...on top of that, opinions are always changing.

I'm tired of being used. Used? No, how could I ever say that I'm being used? Manipulated is a better word. Wait, I'm not even sure if that's the case in reality. Everything seems very cryptic right about now, huh? Some people are going to suffer. How very selfish I can be. Does one really need to be cruel to be kind?

If there's one thing I've learnt over the past few months....

It's that my room is inexplicably and unbearably stuffy.

Feels like a night of randomness.


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