
Saturday, March 07, 2009

When the whole world comes crashing down, who do you turn to? A friend? A family member? God?

It's weird how selfish people can be, people who believe so strongly, so unquestionably in God, yet at most times turn to him only when everything else as failed, or so they'd thought. The most logical thing to do at first is to try and seek help from someone tangible, someone who exists physically instead of merely spiritually. When those people are out of reach, or are unable to give you the aid you require, you look to the heavenly being spying from above. How crude.

God will answer all my prayers. God will open all my doors. God will give me the help I need.

So where is it, the help you mentioned? Why are you still crying? You haven't solved your problem? But I thought he had all the answers. Didn't he? He didn't? Or you didn't hear them right, or you couldn't understand? That make you feel better?

When things go well, we thank God for blessing us, for watching over us, for giving us those opportunities. When things go horribly awry, all we can say is "this is a mere test from God. It's my own fault things happened this way."

So when good things happen, he gets the credit, while when things screw up, we have only ourselves to blame? That's being horribly magnanimous, don't you think? Blame not God, for he is the almighty and all righteous.

I'm thinking of that song by The Fray...

"Where were you when everything was falling apart?"
"Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?"

It's also weird how people absolve God of all blame when things turn to shit. Earthquake. Someone gets out alive. "Thank God, for he hath protected me." Someone ends up dead. Family says "The Lord hath welcomed him to Heaven."

I feel like such a blasphemer. I don't think I am, though.

When things turn out they way you'd hoped,

The credit is yours and yours alone.

But when everything comes crashing down, my friend...

You only have yourself to blame.


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