
Saturday, February 28, 2009 does this go again?


Not sure if it's necessarily in that order. hmmm...

I have got...Eclipse now. Got it from carmen today. Had a hard time finding the block she was under! Later found that the block was across the street, away from the cluster I thought it was in =.=

There's something about the way Edward speaks that seems strangely...alluring. Putting a few dots in between words plants that feeling of anticipation within the audience, and it does seem as though it's doing its job right.

Doing your job...doing what you love to do. What is it I love to do now? Is it...seeing the looks on the faces of the audience; is it...hitting something randomly or in a way so that the noise turns to music; is it...dealing with this sense of seemingly false denial to accept the fact that I am where I am and that's exactly where I'm going to be until it's over?

This...feeling of...waste. And regret, yet diluted by the solid satisfaction of being able to do what I love to do more than anything else I could have chosen. And the sense of security and a tinge of gratitude.

Honestly. What...the I talking about?


My mum's going to church tomorrow. That's...a little disturbing. Whatever, as long as she doesn't drag me to church with her eventually.


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