
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Finished The Six Sacred Stones this morning at work; great action, suspense and accompanied by a decent dose of humour too. Good book. The only thing that pissed me off was that it ended in a frickin cliffhanger! Damn it, I was reading this morning when I realized that there were only 20 or so pages left till the end of the book, and from what I'd acquired, the story wasn't even half over yet! The dread then set in making me realize I'd have to wait for the next book to be out before I could finish the story.

Got a new book today, The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie. Some conspiracy again. Don't really know what it's about...but for some reason I'm itching to read more Steve Berry. Damn, I should've controlled my urge to get a new book today and waited till I went to somewhere more decent to get a good book, like Borders or Kino as opposed to the pathetic excuse for a range of books Popular has to offer.

Met CY at Yishun to bus home together. Ddin't talk to him much on the bus; I was being all moody again. It's like some kind of disease that hurts when it feels like it. haha. hm. Damn, if I'd gone home alone I would've reached 45 minutes earlier. But what the heck, I wouldn't have much to do at home anyway. Having finished watching the 3rd season of Heroes, I must admit I'm feeling a little lost. Now I'm going to have to find something to entertain myself with every night.

It's getting on my nerves, not having anything in particular to look forward to every day and night. I used to be perky about going home everyday; I'd have something to do, people to talk to. It's kinda different now. haha. Oh well. Things change. There're only a couple of things here and there I'm looking forward to these days. Not much encouragement and even less incentive to hope. It's hope that keeps us alive, isn't it? It's probably what allows us to retain our humanity.

I've been experiencing it for years, but it still gets all weird when I realize chinese people talk to me in chinese and malay people talk to me in malay. Thank god the indians still speak english. Do I really look that chinese? You know, that could actually be a compliment. But honestly, I think the brown skin more than speaks for itself. Frankly I don't think I could tell if someone was mix-blooded unless the features were striking enough.

You know, I really can't wait to go back to school. No, it doesn't mean I can't wait to ORD, but I suppose since they're related in a way, well, alright I can't wait to ORD. It's not like I hate the life here; in fact, I pretty much like it. Still looking forward to Italy in July. Anyway, about school, I think I'd be leading a much more productive life studying instead of whatever I'm doing now. Life seems pretty pointless in this period. It's like being in a dull void; you feel irrevocably stupified and at the same time, the best way to describe your zest for life would probably be...limp. I still don't know how I'm going to be able to survive life in Uni without the faintest idea about projects, presentations and the like. I guess I'm more of a structured kind of person when it comes to academics, and I don't really know what the even means to me.

Going back to school takes another load off my mind; social stigma. That is, if you know what I mean. Being back in a civilian context leaves people with less material to judge and much less incentive to make you feel like crap. Or rather, I make myself feel inferior. I don't need this, neither do I want any of it.

I broke, and nope, I didn't breakeven.


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