
Friday, November 07, 2008

It's been another tiring week of full band, full band and more full band...Yesterday was a whole damn day of Celebration, and mind you the mood was nowhere near celebratory. 500+ bars with CPT Tan and he had this habit of stopping every few bars to go through things we could touch up with IP. But what can I say...concert is coming. Then again, rehearsals are not for supervised individual practice.

And today? Cappadocia (literal translation from the Japanese name of the song, which actually meant Elves hiding under some rocks or something like that like wtf right.) was bullying me on the toms. Five of them. West Side Story had its way with me with four mallets and a big ass marimba with mallet rotations that never fail to drive me nuts during every rehearsal. But it wasn't as bad today as it was before. Looks like all that practice worked for me. Not enough, apparently.

Colonel Colburn and a few godlike musicians from the President's Own Marine Band are coming over next Tuesday onwards to rehearse with us for the upcoming concert. Damn it's going to be stressful performing with a percussion god standing within the vicinity. I gotta tell ya, their uniforms are some awesome stuff. Colonel Colburn's concert dress makes the other DOMs' outfits look like well...they aren't even there. haha. I wonder how much I'll be able to learn from the Marine Band percussionist. Sorry I forgot his name...haha. 3 second memory still part of me.

Thankfully I could take half day off today...was so tired. Can't wait till tonight. I'm going to sleep with a vengeance.

But enough about band...time to look forward to things which can actually make me feel good inside! like JEFF DUNHAM videos. yeah I might be a little on the slow side but watching these vids always crack me up. Especially the Walter and Peanut ones. You guys gotta check it out if you've got the time. BEGONEEEEEEEEEE SATANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! okay that's just me.

I was thinking of changing my uni course but I don't know if I should go through with it. I was thinking of switching to NTU's Bachelor of Business while majoring in Banking and Finance or the Bachelor of Accountancy degree...not even going to look at the double degrees. Yeah I know, what's a guy like me doing studying Business? All this time I thought I was made for engineering but after some thought, I did realize some flaws in my choice. Engineers are underpaid in Singapore, their job scopes are not likely to be classified as anywhere near exciting or interesting, and just seems pretty damn boring per se. Maybe I should ask around and seek some insight before pondering my options. Afterall, I've got a loooooong time to think before I make my decision.

I think you guys have noticed that my standard of english has dropped drastically since I'd graduated from school...must be the lack of forced reading and blogging since my enlistment. I've somehow begun to feel inferior while trying to bring my point across or express myself, whether verbally or in words (i know there's a one word substitute for 'in words' but I forgot. see what I mean?) I never knew I could lose touch with my first (and most of the time, only) language so easily. I thought people only got rusty with stuff like math and science. How wrong I was.

I've also noticed that since graduation I've been becoming increasingly lazy to read up on stuff. Gone were the days where I spent hours staring at the computer screen reading through endless tabs of information off Wiki (although not all that information may have been correct, but it works for me.) and filling my mind with ever more knowledge than I'd prefer...but it did feel wholesome at the time. It just seems like a damn chore now. Gotta make it a habit again to fuel my curiosity whenever it itches under my skin.

Anyways, do you guys think the font on my blog is too small? or is it just because I've been playing psp too much and my eyesight hasn't been getting any better...I just can't really seem to see what exactly I'm posting sometimes. Maybe I should start looking for a new blogskin...hmmm.

Khairul is lazy and he wants to change but it seems difficult right now...


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