
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

For those who enjoy preaching the practice of faith to ensure all things go well...

"If you teach that things will be good if you have faith, and things don't happen, does that mean you don't have enough faith?"

Quoting another example...

"I'm sure things will go well. The Lord will provide!"

"So if you don't get what you wish for, even if it is modest and reasonable, does that mean the Lord did not provide?"

Possible responses :

1. Rational person - "Ah, I suppose He did not."
2. Misguided person - "Of course not! It is all part of His Design. He will surely provide for me, or already is providing for me. It's just that it's in another manner, perhaps still unrevealed to the human eye."

And yet another example...

I'm very sure there are more than a mere handful of staunch Christians who have had plastic surgery or some other form of physical alteration by means of aesthetic surgery. Not to mention the slimming programmes, beautification regimes and the like, all evidence of mankind's hunger for social validation and respect.

Now then, did God not make everyone in His image, and therefore they should be content with how they look, even if by 'social standards', they might be, ah, 'mediocre'?

Shame on you, for you have disrespected the Lord by attempting to alter your image, and hence, His image, for personal gain.

I suppose, then, all Christians who have had plastic surgery will, ah, not be admitted into the Lord's Paradise come the Day of Judgment?



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